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The Law of Balance

Thrive by Balancing Your Inner Masculine and Feminine

Did you know the benefits of balancing your inner masculine and feminine are truly amazing, yet this remains an untapped area for the vast majority?


Most of the world operates via the gender binary, the traditional view that we are either male or female and that we cannot and should not embody elements of both. "Boys don't cry" and "Girls should always put others first" are two common examples of how we are expected to behave within the narrow confines of gendered identities. This idea of who we are might have made sense at one time when survival was key and the division of labour and identities made sense.


But survival is no longer our highest aspiration. Living a life of purpose and living to our true potential as individuals - that has become our greatest aspiration.


We are entering a new era. What was "the norm" ten or twenty years ago is no longer so today. The pace of change is so rapid that it can feel like we're reeling. On the plus side, we are becoming more conscious as human beings, freer to be who we are and to express our individuality than ever before. What we need more of a "how to" guide for navigating this change, which The Law of Balance provides. In addition to understanding "the big picture" it provides a practical 7-step approach to becoming balanced as an individual. 


We are making our way through the coming changes and it can be confusing for some. What made sense in the past - the gender binary - now only serves to create an imbalance that ripples out through our relationships, institutions and into the world. This manifests in the now heightened polarization we see in politics and cultures, along with the usual signs such as the the gender income gap, the growing gap between rich and poor, profits-at-all-costs business, environmental degradation and climate change. 


The Law of Balance connects the dots and shows these outcomes for what they are: the imbalance and non-integration of both sides of ourselves all across the globe. The rush to action, achievement, status and personal gain is not sufficiently balanced the ability to "just be", let alone be happy, take care of ourselves and others, and nurture our Planet. 


As we begin to enter the new era it is time to reconnect with this ancient wisdom.  Much like the timely emergence of Law of Attraction around 2005, the time has come for the Law of Balance to be more widely known. The Law of Balance states that when we balance and integrate both sides of ourselves - the Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine - then we thrive and everyone around us benefits as well. 


Whether you wish to create more success in life, work or relationships, this book will provide a fresh perspective that will liberate and empower you to achieve your desires. 


How great would the world be if we were all living our deepest purpose?

I love to work with people who sense that they are destined for more, but aren't sure how to get there.
Through deep listening and intuitive coaching, I help people reconnect with themselves and discover their truth, authenticity and unique purpose.  

We each bring a unique gift to the world.
What is yours?

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My unique approach involves "Soul Alignment and Inner Balance​" as stages in an intuitive and interactive journey. ​

Soul Alignment - Reconnect with your authentic self, feel your inspiration and uncover your soul's mission and unique gift to humanity.

Inner Balance -
This part is for those who are ready to up-level by learning to balance our own masculine and feminine energies. This sacred knowledge frees us to expand our capabilities and step into our unique powerful self.  A lack of understanding in this area has kept us playing small, repeating egoic patterns across generations and lifetimes.  This is a tool for stepping into your own authentic power.

Cost: $50 per session
Special Offer: Try a free 30 min online session to see if we are a good fit. If you decide to continue, the first session is costed as per usual. If you decide not to continue, it's free. 


Ten Benefits of Balance


  • Authenticity

  • Happiness

  • Self-esteem

  • Healthy relationships

  • Balanced life

  • Purpose-driven life

  • Effective leadership

  • Moving beyond the imbalances of patriarchy

  • Having a key to Self-Realization

  • Co-creating a better world

Loraine's interview with Smile 90.4FM

Nov 1, 2016

Length: 18 min

Book Review, Wellness Magazine (Nov 2016):






"This insightful, personal and practical book focuses on the fact that each of us has a masculine and feminine side we can draw on at will. ​The key to thriving in all areas of our lives is taking conscious steps to integrate both sides to maintain a state of dynamic balance. It examines the nature of the inner feminine - inward, receptive and integrating - and contrasts this with the inner masculine - outward, active and differentiating. Loraine points out that to rise above the new patriarchy and gender binaries that limit us and achieve authenticity and self-realisation, we need to step out of our hypermasculine or hyperfeminine states and learn to embrace the true balance within. Drawing on her 40 years of knowledge and experience on the subject, the invaluable book gently and skillfully guides us along our own journeys toward balance." 

© 2024 Loraine Magda

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